You can burn the ISO of XEX Menu to a CD or DVD and place it in the Xbox 360. The ISO version of XEX Menu is useful for people with new Jtag or RGH Xbox 360 consoles. XEXMenu has two different versions, which can be incredibly useful for different situations.
Take note that you will need Jtag or Rgh on your Xbox 360 in order to run the XeXMenu 1.2. About- This is a quick and really easy tutorial on how to download, install and use the XeXMenu 1.2 for the Xbox 360 using a USB stick.
*Xexmenu Download 2020*Xex Menu Download FreeXexmenu Download 2020If you have a slim and it is 10.83A and made before August 2011, you have a Trinity, and if it is 9.86A and made in or after August 2011 you have a Corona.There are reportedly some Trinitys that are 9.86A so use the date as a double check (even if it is 9.86A if it was before Aug 2011 it is a Trinity). Xexmenu Latest Version 2019 FebruXexmenu Latest Version 2019